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Executive recruitment: what are the best strategies to adopt?

Executive recruitment: what are the best strategies to adopt?

Recruiting senior executives can be a complex process. When you have an executive position vacancy within your company, it is essential to adopt an effective organizational search strategy to attract quality candidates.

With new realities like remote working, recruiting can present additional challenges. Here are some tips to help you recruit high-level executives for your organization.

Create an in-house referral program to aid in recruitment

“In the competitive recruiting landscape, companies always look for innovative ways to attract exceptional talent. Yet one of the most valuable recruitment sources is often underestimated: internal referrals.” Élaine Marcoux and Pierre Chaput, experts in HR and recruitment, confirm this.

Streamlines the process of hiring new employees

Referred candidates often have a shorter recruiting process because they already have some “sponsors” within the company. This saves time and money because the process is more efficient.

Referred candidates stay with the company longer because they better understand what to expect. This reduces staff turnover.

Allows you to find candidates who fit perfectly into your company culture

Current employees have a deep understanding of the company culture. By recommending candidates, they help find people who will fit in more naturally and are more likely to thrive within that culture.

Better quality of candidates

Employees generally recommend candidates they know well and trust. This results in higher quality candidates because employees only recommend people who meet company standards.

Favor direct contact with candidates

Favouring direct contact with candidates is an essential approach in the recruitment process. By using natural communication methods like in-person interviews or phone calls, recruiters can build deeper connections with candidates and better understand their personality, skills, and job fit.

This approach allows candidates to ask questions, discuss concerns, and better understand the company culture. In addition, it allows recruiters to create a bond of trust, show listening and offer a more personalized experience, which can strengthen candidate engagement.

Ultimately, prioritizing direct contact with candidates improves the quality of recruitment and fosters positive relationships throughout the process.

Invest in reaching passive candidates

Investing in reaching passive candidates has become an essential strategy in modern recruitment.

“Passive candidates, although not actively looking for a new job, often represent a valuable source of talent for companies. Employers now recognize the importance of targeting them, as they can bring unique skills and experience.” Élaine Marcoux and Pierre Chaput are experts in HR and recruitment.

This requires investment in more sophisticated recruitment methods, such as targeted recruitment marketing on social media, creating engaging content and using advanced technologies to identify passive candidates.

By engaging in this proactive approach, companies can expand their talent pool, strengthen their employer brand, and remain competitive in the marketplace, even when candidates are not directly seeking employment.

Build loyalty after recruiting

Once you have successfully attracted, selected and onboarded quality talent, it is essential to maintain their long-term engagement. Retention goes beyond simple hiring; it aims to create a work environment where employees feel valued, motivated and fulfilled.

This approach has many benefits, including reducing employee turnover, improving productivity, building a solid team, and promoting a positive company culture.

Additionally, satisfied employees tend to become ambassadors for your brand, contributing to your reputation in the job market.

Develop your recruitment processes

In 2023, evolving your recruitment processes has never been more crucial. The challenges of the constantly changing world of work, including digital transformation and the new expectations of candidates, have profoundly impacted how companies search, select and integrate new talent.

Your recruitment methods must be updated to stay competitive and attract the best candidates. This includes:

  • The adoption of cutting-edge technologies.
  • Creating exceptional candidate experiences.
  • Diversifying your recruitment sources.
  • Personalizing your approach to meet the changing needs and values of candidates.

By redesigning your recruiting processes, you increase the likelihood of finding qualified candidates who will contribute to the continued success of your business.

Executives are one of the many pillars of an organization

When hiring executives, carefully preparing for the hiring process is essential.

Executives are:

  • Often the pillars of a company.
  • Playing a pivotal role in making strategic decisions.
  • Managing teams and achieving goals.

A poor hiring decision at this level can significantly affect the company’s performance. Therefore, it is imperative to clearly define the skills, qualifications and qualities sought in an executive, design a rigorous recruitment process, and put precise assessment methods in place to ensure that only the most qualified people and adapted to the position are selected.

Well-prepared executive recruiting is an investment in the long-term success of the company.

For your executive recruitment needs, contact us.

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