Agence placement Québec Extra Multi-Ressources

How to prepare for a spontaneous telephone interview?

How to prepare for a spontaneous telephone interview?

Why do HR managers and recruiting agency recruiters use telephone interviews to reach out to candidates?

  • To do an initial sorting when there are many candidates.
  • To check the professional background, experience, and expertise of candidates
  • To gauge the potential value of a resource and whether it matches the cover letter.
  • To get a first impression.
  • To compare salary expectations. 

If the interaction is considered positive by both parties, the phone interview may be the first step towards a successful hiring process.

Ask to speak at a more convenient time

Being caught off guard isn’t good for anyone, unless charisma and eloquence are second nature to you. So here’s a good tip: rather than missing the interview and regretting it, thank the person for pre-selecting you and ask to set up another time to speak so that you can prepare

Even if it’s 30 minutes later, you’ll have the necessary information in hand, and the recruiter will see that you’re serious and well-organized. 

Answering questions while you’re at the grocery store, in your car, or knowing that you’re pressed for time isn’t professional.

  • Have your CV and cover letter at hand for easy reference.
  • Make sure you’re in a quiet place.
  • Have a glass of water nearby. You’ll see; you’ll need it.
  • Open the Excel file with all the notes you’ve collected on your applications to organize your job search. This way, you’ll have access to predefined questions for each job you’ve applied for, a summary of the job, and keywords or company information.

What to brush up on before a telephone job interview?

You’ll need to remember why you applied, what attracted you to the company, and why you’re planning to leave your current job if you are currently employed.

  • Read your cover letter to be prepared to answer any questions.
  • Review the job description in detail to remind yourself of the skills you have and those you need to develop. 
  • Make sure you understand your notes about the company and visit its website for more information.
  • If you have time, check out the company’s LinkedIn posts.

How to deal with salary expectations when no salary is listed

When no salary is listed, job descriptions often mention a “competitive salary”. However, this practice is increasingly disappearing, especially in the context of labour shortages. 

Indeed Canada strongly encourages employers to provide salary information on job postings. From 2021 to 2022, this practice increased from 66% to 74%. Moreover, when this information is present, three out of four job seekers favour these positions over those that promise a “competitive salary”.

If handling negotiations isn’t your strong suit and you’re asked what your salary expectations are, turn the question around: 

“Before I tell you what my salary expectations are, I’d like to know what you consider to be a competitive salary for the position you’re offering compared to the market.”  

An employer who values transparency and authenticity will be able to answer this question. Then, based on their answer, you’ll see whether this salary matches your expectations.

Making the interview process easier

Recruitment agencies have privileged relationships with their employer clients. As a result, they have a host of information at their disposal and can also help you prepare for telephone, videoconference, or in-person interviews.

Before an interview, the fear of the unexpected and unknown often leads to stress and anxiety. Over time, you’ll gain confidence, so don’t be too hard on yourself. The best thing you can do is ensure you’re well prepared.

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