Agence placement Québec Extra Multi-Ressources
How to find a high-quality job quickly
Looking for a job can sometimes be a long and arduous process. In some cases, you may have to spend long hours browsing job offers on the web to find the most exciting opportunities. By applying some best practices, you can cut down your search time and find a high-quality...
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Key 2021 labour market changes
COVID-19 had a huge impact on the labour market in the 2020 and 2021. According to an Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) study, hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost during the pandemic, mainly in lower-paying sectors. At the same time, the crisis also generated growth in other...
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Job market: sectors that will be recruiting in 2021
The health crisis has been changing the job market for over a year now. Given the rapidly accelerating transition to telework and labour shortages in many sectors, many companies face significant hiring challenges. As a result, employment opportunities are different this year, with some sectors experiencing greater staffing needs. Labour...
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2021 recruitment trends
2021 will definitely be a year shaped by the aftermath of the global health crisis, which has been ongoing for many long months, as well as by the lack of manpower in a number of sectors, which has compelled companies to reinvent themselves and adopt new recruitment tactics. Here are...
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What are the best executive recruitment strategies?
At times, the executive recruitment process can be complicated. When you need to fill an executive position in your company, it is essential to have an effective executive recruitment strategy to attract resumes from qualified candidates. Recruitment may prove more difficult than usual given the current pandemic and the realities...
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How to pick the right recruitment agency?
The ongoing pandemic has impacted many sectors and industries. While some companies’ operations have had to shut down, forcing them to lay off workers temporarily or permanently, others have faced an urgent need for additional labour. Picking a recruitment agency from all the choices available can be a difficult task....
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