Agence placement Québec Extra Multi-Ressources


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How to find a job in pandemic times
Since the spring, many sectors have suffered greatly because of the coronavirus pandemic. In some cases, employers were forced to lay off workers permanently or even shut down their businesses altogether. As a result, finding a job during a pandemic can be challenging. Your best bet is to put all...
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Videoconference interviews: the secret to a successful Zoom, Meet or Skype job interview
Job interviews aren’t always easy. And these coronavirus pandemic days, candidates have no choice but to adapt to virtual job interviews, as employers appreciate how practical they are. Being interviewed by videoconference can be stressful, even more so because this new process wasn’t in wide use previously. The preparation required...
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Business administration professions : a field that offers a wealth of possibilities
Business administration jobs are careers of the future. The vacancies in this field are numerous and will be for a few more years. If you like numbers, management or sales, you will certainly find a job that you like. Be aware that the average annual salary of a worker in...
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Truck driver : a job for those who love the open road
The trucking industry is an interesting, challenging and constantly evolving field. The job prospects for this profession are also very good due to the many retirements and the Covid-19 pandemic. In Quebec, the average annual salary of a truck driver in 2022 is $60,467 and can reach $108,160 in some...
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7 signs your job interview went well
The die is cast! You’ve followed all the tips for a successful job interview. Now it’s time to assess your performance and find out what impression you made on the recruiter. Here are a few ways to find out if you’ve made the cut. 1. THE RECRUITER ANALYZED AND COMPARED...
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How to prepare for the group interview?
After applying for a job, you’ll be contacted for a group interview. If you are not familiar with this interview technique, don’t panic! You can prepare for it so that all the chances are on your side. TIPS TO PREPARE FOR THE GROUP INTERVIEW You first need to understand the...
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